Thanks for this Lisa ~ It's been on my mind recently as my donors are definitely showing signs of donor fatigue. One strategy I heard recently was not to add a donate button to every newsletter. To sprinkle in newsletters that are simply information sharing, inspirational impact stories and thanking our supporters. It feels awkward but I'm going to give that a try.

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Great question.

I wrote about this very topic in our own Substack this week. The awful story of when a major donor confessed to me that ‘she felt like we just saw them as cash cows’ (a very unpleasant term which I’m glad to see has largely disappeared from the fundraising lexicon).

This was despite several meetings, project visits, time spent with the team on the ground and a new project developed collaboratively between the donors and the delivery team.

They had even attended a meeting with my wider marketing / income generation team AND told their story.

What made them upset was my lack of attention to detail around how they were represented in our annual report.

The lesson?

Don’t assume. Listen carefully and repeat what you hear.

Attention to the small things matters. - Caroline

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